Spiritual Courses
Spiritual Courses to support you in setting up a career as a spiritual teacher helping you shine your light as a facilitator for your own spiritual classes.
These are available in person or online. Trainings to become a therapist aiding others to heal mind body and soul, only available in person.

Angelic Reiki® Level 1 & 2
This is the start of your journey to reconnect with your Divinity. It is the most perfect gift for yourself.
It will support your own personal healing and spiritual journey, opening up gifts and spiritual talents.
A journey that may change your life and the lives of others who the angels bring to you.
You may not know, but your Soul will know why it has brought Angelic Reiki to you.
The Purpose of this Workshop
This workshop gives the student a complete system of healing used through the Angels and the Reiki symbols.
The student gains practical ‘hands on’ experience in healing methods involving healing as a channel, healing with intention, healing with a Master and Galactic Healers and Multi-dimensional Healing.
The workshop also includes how to attune spiritual tools such as crystals and essences.
This workshop is a powerful experience and lays the ground for the incoming Galactic Energy of the Ascension.
It places you in your own Spiritual Power and Knowledge of yourself as the Ascended Master that you truly are.
The Syllabus
An understanding of the process of clearing and dedicating a healing space.
The closing of the space after the session is complete.
A definition of Angels through the understanding of them as the Divine archetypes of this created universe.
Cleansing and attunement to Angelic Reiki 1st Degree.
Cleansing and attunement to Angelic Reiki 2nd Degree.
Activation of the symbols by Lord Melchizedek to their Galactic vibration.
Entity release if needed.
The Angelic attunement by the 30 Archangels of the Mighty Sarim, including the attunement of the Master crystal.
Activation by Archangel Metatron of the Reiki symbols to the Angelic vibration.
Introduction to the laws and rules of healing as given by Djwhal Khul to Alice Bailey in the book "Esoteric Healing".
Four healing methods and healing exchanges.
Explanation of distance and self-healing.
Angelic Reiki for pregnancy and babies, and the support of indigo children.
Explanation of how to create a sacred space and the part crystals, cards, candles, colour, sound and sacred perfumes play in this.
How to attune crystals and essences to Angelic Reiki and how important this is.
Provision of the 1 & 2 workbook to each participant, at the start of the class, and explanation of the material in this book.
The shape, sound, drawing, and meaning of the symbols are NOT taught. Simply to look at the symbols integrates their vibration into the recipient's consciousness. The most perfect symbols and energy are provided, brought and guided by the Angelic Kingdom of Light (not the healer).
All spiritual teachings and energies are universally available to everyone, but through his guidance from the Master Djwhal Khul and Archangel Metatron, and his great knowledge of spiritual principles and ancient teachings, Kevin Core has woven together a unique and profound system of healing. This system has been named Angelic Reiki.®
This workshop is a gift to yourself of more value than can be given a price!
The class is delivered over 18 hours on consecutive days, structured as a 3 hour session followed by 2 full days of 7.5.hours. This is essential to enable the attunements to be fully integrated. This class cannot be taken online.
The fee includes the official manual, master crystal and certificate plus on going support of your Master Teacher.
Energy Exchange £270
Angelic Reiki® Level 3 & 4
In Angelic Reiki®, the 3 & 4 Masters workshop is not the teacher qualification. It is a stepping stone along our personal spiritual path.
The name Reiki Master has sometimes been misunderstood. In Angelic Reiki we take our guidance from the Ancient Wisdom and to receive an attunement into Master energy is first and foremost a personal process. Your Soul has guided you to a place where you can receive the energetic tool in order to accept your own Mastership, accepting that this manifest reality is your creation.
This workshop is a gift for anyone who wants to merge more deeply with the Angelic Kingdom.
The Purpose of this Workshop
The purpose of the workshop is to initiate the participant into the Master energy of this system. This will happen in the most perfect way for each participant.
As the student takes this workshop they gain (or already have) an acceptance and recognition that we are each the creator of our lives. Acceptance of this Mastership with the personal responsibility and self-awareness that this entails is part of the journey. This workshop opens the door to leaving behind all victimhood and sense of living life as a result of some external effect.
It will awaken spiritual talents and everyone will use this energy in their own unique way. One may find that work colleagues and friends seek advice where they didn’t before, inspirational writing and poetry may start to flow and life may start to unfold in a new way. Lessons that the Soul has chosen may come up energetically and present difficult challenges.
Archangel Metatron always said that Angelic Reiki was the healing of our time and its purpose is to support everyone who seeks guidance on their own spiritual path. We are all on the path to integrating and realising the truth that we are creator beings, that we are masters of this reality. This workshop provides the tools to merge with one’s Soul energy and fulfil one’s purpose on earth.
The deep and profound attunements and healings experienced in this workshop provide one of the most powerful experiences for those seeking change.
Many people have experienced their life’s purpose unfold after receiving these attunements. Some have found that a connection to Archangel Michael has awakened a profound ability to cleanse and heal this planet, others have written inspirational prose and poetry, yet others have found that friends and colleagues have turned to them for help and that this help has been Angelically inspired.
The Syllabus
The purpose and process of dedicating, clearing, opening and closing the workshop space.
Review of the Nature of Angelic Energy and Archangels.
Grounding and the Feeling Body Meditation.
Three healing exchanges.
Cleansing and attunement to Angelic Reiki 3rd degree.
Cleansing, entity release and attunement to Angelic Reiki 4th degree.
Angelic Ray Attunement
Masters Archangelic Initiation.
Understanding of the Soul Family as introduced in the Healing with the Divine Presence.
Information and discussion of the Angelic Reiki Organisation in your country
The workshop is taught over 17~19 hours. There is a 3 hour session to start followed by 2 full days training.
The fee includes a course manual plus certificate and the ongoing support of myself as required.
Students must have a level 1 & 2 certificate in Angelic Reiki® to attend this course.
Energy Exchange £369

Angelic Reiki® Professional Practitioner
This workshop is for those who wish to work with the angelic energy in a professional manner.
This workshop is in two parts.A minimum of 3 days training is necessary if the student has no prior experience. This workshop can be taught in two separate sessions.
The first part needs 2 days.
Part One Syllabus
One clearing and entity release.
Angelic Reiki 4th Degree attunement
3rd & 4th Degree Archangelic Initiation with the Mighty Sarim.
Etheric body healing
Spherical healing.
Information on the two types of healing used in Angelic Reiki; Magnetic and Radiatory.
Working with the feeling body.
Review of how to cleanse and dedicate a space and the purpose and function of this in the healing situation.
Healing into death and an understanding of the death and dying process.
The nature of disease and the implications of this on the healing session.
The healing session
Listening and communication skills
Feed back
How to deal with clients who are on medication.
Part Two
This is for students who are at the start of their journey in setting up their therapy practice and business.
The information given in the manual regarding the subjects listed below is not just about the mundane but also incorporates an understanding of the esoteric and spiritual principles that underpin each of areas. The depth to which business issues are covered will depend on the teacher’s area of specialist knowledge. Every teacher cannot be expected to be an expert in accountancy, business management and marketing. It is therefore up to the student to source particular information that they might need. The important thing is to gain an understanding of the spiritual aspects involved.
The Syllabus
Setting up in private practice.
Legislation and insurance.
Practical management, the healing space, renting verses using a space in your home, organising appointments, setting boundaries.
Fees to be charged for sessions.
Setting up in business, business plan, funding, and keeping accounts.
Marketing, promoting yourself and the principals of creating your own reality.
Ethics with discussion of issues raised.
Ongoing professional development and discussion of issues raised..
Mentoring and supervision.
Part one is covered over 15~17 hours over 2 days.
The fee includes the manual and certificate.
*Please note that certificates are only given when an agreement to embrace the code of ethics has been signed and case studies have been submitted.
Energy Exchange £225
Part Two is covered over 1 day of 7 hours.
Energy Exchange £99

Angelic Reiki®Master Teacher
The purpose of the workshop is to initiate the participant into the Master Teacher energy of this system. This will happen in the most perfect way for you and it is recommended that you just be open to whatever may unfold.
You are thanked and recognised by The Angelic Kingdoms of Light, for embracing the role of teacher. Know that it will bring you great blessings both during your life on earth and in other dimensional realms. Your human consciousness may never fully comprehend the great service that you do, but it will be seen from “above”.
All participants of the Master Teachers workshop need to have completed the first and second degree workshop, the third and fourth degree workshop and the professional practitioner’s workshop.
The purpose of the manual is to create a framework of topics and information that need to be presented. Discussion and personal examples have an important part to play. The manual also acts as a reference for teachers preparing for their own classes.
There is some review and repetition in this workshop as participants may have been experiencing personal clearing during their original 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 workshops. There is a lot of information in those workshops and so review and deeper explanation may be required to enable the participant to become a competant teacher. It is therefore important for this workshop to primarily be a response to the particular needs of each group, reviewing and giving further explanation and clarification of material already introduced in the previous workshops as necessary.
The Syllabus
Principles and practice of Clearing and dedicating the space.
4th degree clearing, entity release and attunement.
Meditation with the Archangels of the Tree of Life.
Archangelic master initiation and attunement.
Grounding and the feeling body.
Setting up as a teacher.
Practical advice for setting up workshops.
Workshop guidance.
Practical experience and guidance for leading a healing practice.
Guidance on facilitating attunements, cleanses and the entity release.
Organisation, support and responsibilities of the teacher.
Review and discussion of any topics or issues presented in Angelic Reiki.
This workshop requires a minimum of 17 ~19 hours and may extend to 3 full days depending on the requirements of the group.
The fee includes the manual and Master Teacher Certificate plus on going support of your Master Teacher.
Master Teachers are required to sign the Angelic Reiki® charter agreeing to teach Angelic Reiki® in the way originally given to Kevin and Christine Core.
Energy Exchange £433

Crystal Healing Practitioner Training
This course teaches an empowering and intuitive “off the peg” method of working with the crystals which can be adapted to suit individual needs. Part one can be taken alone by anyone who wishes to learn about the care of crystals but who does not wish to become a practitioner.
The course is presented in two parts, each comprising of 2 days. It is also possible to split each part down, on request, to take 1 day at a time.
the student will gain experience of working with and caring for crystals. Included in part one is:
Connect to crystals and their energy for balance and well being
Crystals for self treatment
Learn how to give a crystal treatment to family and friends
Care and Guardianship of crystals, cleansing, dedicating and programming of crystals.
Creating Gem Elixirs
Lots of practical work and exercises
Day one is perfect for those new to crystals who wish to learn about their care, cleansing, programming and how to access their energies.
Day two builds on the information in day one and gives the student a basic crystal healing method to enable them to treat themselves, family and friends.
It will extend the students knowledge, skills and confidence, leading them to a qualification as a Crystal Chakra Healer.
Part Two includes:
How to do a full treatment on clients
Working with crystals and clients professionally
Advanced healing techniques
Gridding with crystals
Lots of practical work and exercises
There is Course work and feedback required before certification.
It is a requirement to have attended Part One before progressing to Part Two.
Course fee includes:
Set of chakra crystals, Pendulum, Master Crystal, and comprehensive course notes plus certificate on completion of case studies.DATES

Diana Cooper School Courses
Become A Light Bearer to Lead Others Towards The New Golden Age
“Our School is expected by the Spiritual Hierarchy to lead the way in the New Golden Age”
Do you feel the calling to join us and shine your light to guide others along the path to ascension?
As a Master Teacher of the Diana Cooper School, I run the Teacher Training Courses in:
Golden Atlantis
Towards 2032
Transform Your Life
Lemurian Planetary Healing
Attending a Teacher Training will
Enhance your knowledge of your chosen topic as you learn to teach
Enhance your own spiritual growth
Empower you to conduct your own workshops, seminars, talks or one to one sessions in a professional manner
Give you the skills to create well structured workshops
Give you the skills to write your own, magical, guided visualisations
Fill you with the confidence to lead and inspire groups
About Courses
Run periodically face to face in Staffordshire or other UK locations
Are delivered in a relaxed atmosphere to facilitate learning.
Class sizes are limited to enable individual attention and ample opportunity for practical experiences
Where possible I will arrange a course on dates to suit your schedule, by request.
Are also available via online distance learning over Zoom or similar platform
Online courses are delivered one to one so that you get the best possible training that suits your needs.
All dates and times for online sessions are agreed as we progress through your course. Please contact me to arrange your start date.